A coolant coalescer is designed to run continuously on an individual sump to help prevent the growth of bacteria by removing tramp oil and aerating the coolant.
The coalescer works by bringing dirty coolant in through the intake attachment to the filter cartridge. The filter cartridge removes chips and oil droplets which are manually discharged. Clean coolant is returned to the sump from the bottom of the coalescer.
- Extends coolant life
- Reduces coolant usage
- Reduces rancidity and related problems such as dermatitis, misting
Proportioning Pumps
A proportioning pump is designed to assist with the mixing of coolants with water. The mixer accurately mixes fluid at a wide variety of concentrations.
- Insure properly mixed fluid
- Easy to use and install
- Controls concentration -- minimizes concentrate usage
- Reduces time & labor required to manually mix fluids
Oil Skimmers
Oil skimmers are designed to remove tramp oil floating on the surface of metalworking fluids or cleaners. The oil skimmer is designed with an oil attracting belt developed to pick up free floating tramp oil from the surface of the coolant.
Chem Arrow offers different types of skimmers to meet the requirements of their customers.
Belt skimmers
Belt skimmers use a stainless steel or poly belt which is lowered into the coolant mixture. The belt moves through wiper blades that remove the oil from both sides of the liquid as it passes through the unit. The oil is then captured in a collection container.
- Easy to install
- Can remove up to 1 quart of tramp oil per hour
- Ability to fit in small or shallow sumps
- Variety of belt lengths from 24" to 10' foot drop (custom sizes available)